⇧ Everyone loves Las Vegas, and so am I. I designed this map when my friend and I came up with the idea of spending our weekend at Las Vegas. I have been to Las Vegas for so many times that I can't remember. Yet, this would be the very first time for all my other friends there. Therefore, I decided to make a unbeatable map for them to have a first look of Las Vegas.
Initially, I was going to find a informative map online. After surfing the internet, it seems like there wasn't single one that I thought is good enough. I came up with this idea of making my own. This project took me one night to do the research on hotels and activities and make the graphics. The information were brought out from the official website of each hotel.
As for the map and hotel locations, I screenshotted from Google map as my reference and located the hotels according to the real locations. The size of the hotel, the location, and the roads were all in the right position.
The project was made by Adobe Photoshop all along.

⇧ This is the screenshot of this project from Adobe Photoshop.