⇧ Please take a look at this video demo of my interactive map. As you can see, you can click on a building on the map to see its building name and introduction. Then, you can click on back to menu to return to menu and select another building. Click the button below to try it yourself.
(Note: If you are using Mac OS, you will need Adobe Flash to play. If you are using iPhone, you might see the content.)
♕ How did I put this on web? ♕
☞ I used dropbox and droppages.com to host my single page site free. It was very easy to do this. You will need to upload all files related to your project on to dropbox, then you will have to link your dropbox account to droppages.com. After making some adjustment and settings, you are good to go. There are plenty of instructions online to learn more on this.
This interactive map was originally made for the new students from Taiwan coming in 2018. I knew it would be very hard for a foreign student to fit in at the beginning, so I decided to make this stunning map to let them know the campus ahead. I didn't know how I can make this happen, then I made my research online. I intended to make the map with Python first (where I took a class on Python and knew how to), but then I found it interesting if I made it with "animation".
When I started using Adobe Animate CC, it was a new world to me. There was quite a lot function in this software. I went through a lot of articles and courses online and learned to use frames and coding inside Adobe Animate CC. I was a fun experience where I got to know so much about this software.
This project took me no more than three days to finish up. I sent it to my friends and colleagues, and they all were wowed with my projects. It was a big success and it ended up helping a number of new students by giving them a quick look of the campus. Some had giving me the feedback that they actually used this map to help themselves during the first couple weeks of new semester.

⇧ This is a screenshot of my work from Adobe Animate CC. I learned using frames and coding (actions) to made this project smoothly and stunning. If you would like to see my original file, please make a request and I will prepare the file for you.