⇧ Above is the final video product I made. I went to the event and filmed all f the content, then came home to record the narration. Although I have used iMovie to make videos for couple times already, this is the first YouTube-uploaded video I make, and there are still a lot of things I could learn from.

⇧ I edited the entire video with iMovie. I have access to Adobe Premiere, but I want to keep it simple for the first time. I am planning to make another video soon with Adobe Premiere during my spare time. Please stay tuned for my next video making.
It was an interesting time to film and edit this vlog. I have seen so many YouTubers uploading their own videos online. Some of them were okay, while some were doing cool stuff. One of the Youtuber I watched is Yes Theory on YouTube, and they have made so many exciting concepts to drag people eyes. Yes Theory has been my role model since then.

⇧ The thumbnail image for YouTube video was made by Adobe Photoshop.